Saturday, February 27, 2010

Funny Things Kids Say

Today I was in my bathroom getting ready to go to the ball field. Gretta was watching every move I made, asking 50 million questions about make up, hair products, etc... I sprayed a little hair spray in my hair in the attempt to save it from the 30 mile wind gusts that we had today. She immediately asked what it was. As I explained hairspray to her, she had the most confused look on her face. Her response was.."You mean you WANT it to stay like that?" You gotta love her! She is so brutally honest and adorable all the while! We also took a trip to Walmart this evening. As was were loading up the car she noticed an elderly man coming out of the store. She said "Mommy that man is soooo old!!" He really was, which is why it is so hard to explain why it is not polite to say. Her funny comment list is so long that I will have to brighten your day with a few on each post. She is so curious, witty and fun. She gives us no choice but to keep it real around here!!

This is my 32 year old dress she is wearing. Vintage? I hate to call it that because it makes me feel "soooo old"!!

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