Monday, February 22, 2010


Schlopp. Schlopp. Beautiful schlopp. Beautiful schlopp with a cherry on top.~~Dr. Seuss

I will confess, I am a blog stalker. I can get lost in blogland really quickly, and before I know it, hours have past and I haven't even made it down 1/4 of my favorites. One thing that is pretty consistent with bloggers, no matter what their blog pertains to, they like to show off their dinner/desserts every once in a while. I sometimes wonder what triggers the thought to break out the camera at dinner time. At my house, it is the wildest time of the day. The baby is slinging food all over the floor and on the other children. The kitchen is a complete mess and J & G are usually aggravating each other at the dinner table. I am constantly having to remind them to eat and not talk. I stand up to eat most of the time, because as soon as I sit down, someone will need something. Pure craziness!! But, last night my camera was actually sitting 2 feet away from my dinner and a light bulb went off. I too can blog about my wonderful meal. Although it was de-lish, I have to say I have surely seen better presentation. A quote from my FAVORITE Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Thinks You Can Think" came to mind. That is why I am talking about schlopp, because that is exactly what my roast and veggies on rice looked like. It was quite yummy though!!

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